Σάββατο 1 Μαρτίου 2008

The backpack of a Turkish commando

You know guys, recently Turkey has been coping with Pkk terror group in Northern of Iraq under very difficult circumstances. And in a newspaper which i had read a few days ago, something draw my attention.In a Turkish commander's military kit(backpack) there are many things equal to 35 kilogram and i wanted to share these things with you.
  1. G-3 gun
  2. Ammunition(including 5 charger, 2 hand-grenade, replacement bullets, mortar rocket launcher or MG-3 bullets)
  3. Bed ped
  4. Blanket
  5. Water flask
  6. Soldier's ration food for 3 days (fish, haricot bean, canned food, cheese, olive and bread)
  7. A tent and its poles
  8. A raincoat
  9. A beret
  10. Snow glasses
  11. Snow glows
  12. A compass
  13. A radio operator(transreceiver)
  14. Signal rocket
  15. Health kit(first aid)
  16. Binoculars
  17. Knife
  18. Multipurpose jack-knife
  19. Pattern painting

8 σχόλια:

Ανώνυμος είπε...

fisika fisika apo ta commando perasan,axristoi ine.oloi oi tourkoi fisika na mi parexigoumaste..hehe

Laplace είπε...

tus malakes re,den bazun myalo..giayto tha xasoun to 1/3ths xwras tus pu tha ginei kurdistan..

megalh blakeia kanan oi tourkoi k tha to deite se 3-4 xronia..

angelos είπε...

@ anwnumos: hehe.. grapse mas k t onoma sou.

@ laplace: duskolo re laplace. exoun upostiriksi oi tourkoi. egw provlepw genoktonia pali.

Burcu είπε...

guys please would mind making your comments in english?you read and understand in english and why do you make comments in greek?
@administrator: all i need is a little respect!

Ανώνυμος είπε...

Ο λαός τρέχει και κουβαλά 35 κιλά στην πλάτη του περπατώντας για ώρες.Κάποιοι πεθαίνουν,κάποιοι σακατεύονται.Και όλα αυτά γιατί;Για τις εκάστωτε κυβερνήσεις.

Τίποτα άλλο...

irene είπε...

google translation .. its free and works!

Burcu είπε...

sorry but google translation doesn't translate your comments,did u notice?

Nevruz είπε...

Burcucum bunlar niye böle gıcıklık yapıp yunanca yazmış..ayıp ya..bence sevindiler bu habere..alın sizde bunu anlamaya çalışın.:)